Wednesday, 29 July 2020

4 Important Reasons to do Surya Namaskar

Millions of people around the world practice yoga today. There are many forms of yoga and one is urged to adopt that form whose philosophy and practice appeals to one the most. However, all yoga practitioners are unanimous in their preference for Surya Namaskar and its many benefits.

Daily practice of Surya Namaskar keeps the body supple and the mind agile. It has tremendous implications for one's health and overall fitness. The following are four major reasons to practice Surya Namaskar every day:

Fat and inch loss
Most practitioners of yoga do not look at it as a weight loss discipline. However, sustained practice of Surya Namaskar certainly has benefits such as fat and inch loss.Through following the different Surya Namaskar steps in correct rhythm and pace, one increases pressure on the muscles and joints gradually. The areas of fat deposition are thus targeted and they start to burn fat cells more. This leads to fat and inch loss.

Improved bone health.
The 12 steps of Surya Namaskar (there are 12 sequential asanas) stretch the muscles, major joints and the bones in the body. Regular practice gives a brisk workout and better posture. Soon, a regular practitioner of Surya Namaskar experiences greater flexibility and reduced bone and joint stiffness. It is especially helpful for those with chronic back ache.

Better metabolism.
The Surya Namaskar steps work out the major muscles in the body, and this includes the core. The abdominal area benefits with the stretching and contracting with each asana. The digestive system receives a thorough workout and thus, wastes are eliminated better and the metabolism improves. Digestive processes also get regulated - however, it is important to eat a nutritious diet to reap the maximum benefit. Surya Namaskar is highly recommended for those suffering from chronic constipation and digestive disorders.

Reduced stress and mental tensions.
Surya Namaskar works on the mind as much as it does on the body. It requires mental focus as each asana is to be performed in a certain sequence and using the correct form and posture. The increased focus and completion of each asana successfully calms down the mind. In turn, this has the direct effect of reducing anxiety and stress. With stress reduced, one is less insecure and fearful, and is able to perform tasks better. The heart rate is brought to normal and so are blood sugar levels.

This is why doctors recommend the practice of Surya Namaskar to people suffering from hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, insomnia, and even depression.

FAQ's Surya Namaskar:

What is the perfect time to do Surya Namaskar?
It is a good idea to do Surya Namaskar early morning at sunrise, on an empty stomach preferably before 6 A.M. Therefore, traditionally, you perform the series of poses facing the Sun in the East within the first hour of Sun rising.

Reference: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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